Putting on one shoe and stocking...the crutches or peg seem so natural now. Two or three times I've forgotten my abbreviated leg and taken a tumble. I stand up and.. boom, I'm on the floow or hopping frantically around trying to regain my balance. With one crutch I'm sure I could walk a rail or climb a ladder, but when I go out I like to use a pair...less tiring. Sooo...there it is. We will become a pair of one-legged sirens. It will give us much in common.
"I've been making some plans for you in the event you came back and wished to play the role of... Verna. The other day I experimentally rebuilt one of my foundation garments to fill you out properly above and with some elastic stump bandage we can bind your leg more com- fortably. So, with a little hip padding you'll make a passable woman ". Ho! Just call me Gracie...girl surgeon, amputater par excellence! Golly.... I hope that isn't a sadistic streak showing up in my otherwise spot- less character. What do you think, Verna?"
"Oh, of course not, I answered, not fully under- standing what she meant. "I just love it. I've wanted to be a one-legged woman ever since I saw that lady at camp with her foot off. I don't know why but I do! I was can I look more like a girl? Your hats don't fit me right and my face...well, it looks kind of naked."
Smiling at my puzzlement Grace patted my hand and said assuringly; "That we can take care of easily with proper make-up and a wig. Would you like one the same color and styled like my hair-do? It would be cute if we dressed Oh! mark my word, Verna, I've got plans if you want to go all-the-way. It can be a lot of good fun! A wig will cost quite a bit, but if you love me enough and want Verna to come alive I'll do it. prob. ably $50 or $60 for a wig. I'll find out at once. I know of a costume house back home who would have them. Well Dear, enough planning and plotting for now," she stood up. "Let's do the dishes and we'll work out something for you. At least you won't need a wig to practice crutch walking. I'll put you thru your paces". She leaned her crutch against the sink and put her stump thru it and stood that way, freeing her hands for work.
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